Celebrating Mother's Day in Old Mandeville just isn't the same without a home tour .... so as not to disappoint during these crazy COVID times ........ we've gone VIRTUAL!
Four private homes in the historic district have welcomed our videography team for prerecorded interview tours. Each 15-20 minute tour focuses on the home through the eyes of the owner: the architecture, the renovation process, the artwork and collections, the landscape, the house’s history. Each tour will be as unique as the home and the homeowner featured.
This virtual tour of Old Mandeville homes will launch its series first installment on Sunday, May 9, 2021. Unlimited online viewing thru the end of June.
Order your ticket now (see form on this page), and your password and the video link will be emailed to you within 24 hours.
If you have any questions, please email us at: OMHA@oldmandevillehistoricassociation.org
The tour is sponsored by the Old Mandeville Historic Association (OMHA), a nonprofit corporation (501c3) founded to preserve and promote the history and cultural heritage of Old Mandeville for future generations. The tour celebrates the cultural and architectural heritage of Mandeville and encourages historic preservation.
This tour is an important fundraiser for OMHA. Proceeds from the sale of tickets will be used for various projects, including our outreach to school children, the publication of walking tour guides, and the ongoing rehabilitation of the Jean Baptiste Lang House. (For a tour of the Lang House Museum, stop by the historic house museum Thursdays – Fridays 10-4, Saturdays 10-1; 605 Carroll Street.)
Virtual Home Tour Sponsor
Patron Sponsors
Hancock Whitney - Lesley Burke
The Lakehouse - Maison Lafitte
McGuire Real Estate Group
Thanks to all our sponsors for their support!